Afterwords: Life Goes On is the 11th anthology from Veterans Writing Workshop in conjunction with Fordham's Westchester Campus, published in March 2025.
Authors: James Camera, Rod Carlson, Joe Gorman, Bill Greenhut, Daniel Kaufman, Frank Landi, Michael Lang, Nick Marsan, Scott McGuirk, Matt Phair, John Sasso, Bernie Seiler, Joe Squeo, Randy Swan, Joe Truhon, and William Walsh. |
Afterwords: When the Rain Comes is the 10th anthology from Veterans Writing Workshop in conjunction with Fordham's Lincoln Center Campus, published in June 2024.
Authors: Anne Barlieb, Connie Bess, Danny Bowens, Peter Ciotti, Leo Farley, John Falzer, Doug Gibbons, David Giangrande, Kevin Gill, William Grodnick, Rita Harris, Clarence Jackson, John H. Leighton, Nick Marsan, Joan Nichols, Miguel Puig, Jay Rosenstein, David Sandgrund, Nelly Savinon, Tyler Stevenson, Bruce Taylor, Damaris Trinidad, Pat Wehl, Fran Weidenheoft, Tanya Whitney, Shalanda Wright, John Zimmerman |
Afterwords: What Remains is the 10th anthology from Veterans Writing Workshop at Fordham's Westchester Campus, published in November 2023.
Authors: Karen Bauer, James Camera, Rod Carlson, Rob Carter, Lynn Cunningham, Richard Dunks, Joe Gorman, Bill Greenhut, Dan Kaufman, Frank Landi, Matt Phair, Mark Phelan, Miguel Puig, Michael Ray, John Sasso, Bernie Seiler, Joe Squeo, Randy Swan, Joseph Truhon, William Walsh |
Afterwords: This Way is the 9th anthology from Veterans Writing Workshop at Fordham's Lincoln Center Campus, published in September 2022.
Authors: Connie Bess, Danny Bowens, Peter Ciotti, Melissa de la Cruz, Ellen Emerson, Leo Farley, Nicholas Frandsen, David Giangrande, Kevin Gill, William Grodnick, John H. Leighton, Joary Lizardo, Philip Milio, Mike Oye, Jay Rosenstein, David Sandgrund, Nelly Savinon, Bruce Taylor, Damaris Trinidad, Pat Wehl, Miko Yoshida |
Afterwords: Learning To Fall is the first publication from our women-only Veterans Writing Workshop, published February 2022.
Authors: Ruth Cain, Lynn Cunningham, Pauline Daigneault, Penny Lee Deere, Kim Finley, Gail Goodson, Reine-Marie Guerrier, Ebunola Macaulay, Millie Rivera-Velez |
Afterwords: I Am Here is the 8th annual anthology from the Veterans Writing Workshop at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus, published in July 2021.
Authors: Peter Ciotti, Richard Lee Enoch, Leo Farley, David Giangrande, Kevin Gill, Nowlin Haltom, Gary Harvey, John Hwang, Erika Land, Joary Lizardo, Philip J. Milio, Joan Nichols, Rubin Ortiz, Mike Oye, David Sandgrund, Nelly Savinon, Roy Shapiro, Bruce Taylor, Maggs Vibo, Miko Yoshida, Donna Zephrine, John Zimmerman |
Afterwords: This Time is the eighth annual anthology from the veterans writing group at Fordham Westchester (and Zoom) published in November 2020.
Authors: Karen Bauer, Román Baca, James Camera, Rod Carlson, Rob Carter, Melissa de la Cruz, Bill Greenhut, Arsenio Gonzalez, Daniel Kaufman, Nick Lamonica, Frank Landi, Matt Phair, Miguel Puig, Lobsang Salaka, John Sasso, Bernie Seiler, Joe Squeo, Randy Swan, William Walsh, and Madelene Zarifa |
Afterwords: Still Missing is the seventh annual anthology from the veterans writing group at Fordham's Westchester campus, published in November 2019.
Authors: James Camera, Rod Carlson, Joe Gorman, Bill Greenhut, Nick Lamonica, Matt Phair, Mark Phelan, John Sasso, Bernie Seiler, Peter Stone, Bill Straubinger, Randy Swan, William Walsh M.D., and Joseph Waters |
Afterwords: Bridges To Cross is the first anthology from the veterans writing group at BRIDGES in New City, published in October 2019.
Authors: Rob Carter, Sharon Freeman, Carol Fugate, Col. John H. Leighton, Theodore K. Ottman, Damaris Trinidad and Joe Truhon |
Afterwords: On My Way is the first anthology from the veterans writing group at Field Library, Peekskill, published in October 2018.
Authors: Rob Carter, Bob Duffy, Angel Ramos-Lopez, Michael J. Palumbo and Matt Phair |
Afterwords: Who Can Forget is the sixth annual anthology from the veterans writing group at Fordham's Westchester campus, published in October 2018.
Authors: Sharon Bailey, Rod Carlson, Francis A. Doherty, Bill Greenhut, Eugene Lang, Miguel A. Puig, Bernie Seiler, Peter Stone, Bill Straubinger, Randy Swan, William Walsh |